Bernhard Riemann: Innovative Research in Topology


Riemann Surfaces and Research in Topology

Bernard Riemann surfaces, the Riemann function (for solving hyperbolic PDEs), and the Cauchy-Riemann equations in deriving an alternate physical plane where the independent variables are the stream function and a function analogous to the velocity potential function so that complex geometrical flow patterns are converted into ψ=constant and Φ=constant infinite rectangles so that I can set up my difference representations as well as integral formulae that can be used to solve any pseudo-Poisson equations. I also use Riemann’s advances in Analytic Continuation and much more.
 I often mention to my students that if one wants to become a Mathematical “superstar” overnight, then prove the Riemann Hypothesis: that the Riemann zeta function has its zeros that are only the negative even integers and complex numbers with real parts equal to 1/2. Bernhard proposed this in 1859 and is now the “holy grail” of Mathematical pursuits, which will give instant immortality to its conqueror.

Bernhard Riemann Contribution in Mathematics

I have been fortunate in my academic career to teach the Riemann integral (as well as the Lebesgue (1875-41) integral) and Riemann sums. I often marvel at the expressions of my students when they see that the integral of polynomials can easily be obtained using the well-known formulae for the sum of polynomials (which I also derive but not by induction) and Riemann sums.

Riemannian geometry

Riemann also founded Riemannian geometry in 1854 after Gauss (1777-55) asked him (as Riemann was his student), to prepare a Habilitationsschrift on the foundations of geometry, and this set the stage for Einstein’s (1879-55) general theory of relativity.
Riemannian geometry is a consistent non-Euclidean geometry (meaning that the fifth postulate of Euclid is relaxed); this step took centuries to occur due to the reverence held for Euclid’s (300 BC) work. Another such consistent geometry is that of Lobachevsky (1792-56).

Remembering Bernhard Riemann

I want to relay a little anecdote about Riemann and Gauss that I have been stating throughout my teaching career, spanning over 35+ years. When discussing Riemann, I always say to my students that it must have been very daunting for him to have Gauss as his Ph.D. advisor, only for one of my students at Oxford during a class reply, “It must have been scary for Gauss to have Riemann as his student.” That comment made me look at things from a completely different perspective (being a fan of Gauss, of course). As soon as I finished my Ph.D. and had more time on my hands, I purchased Gauss’ masterpiece Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Latin “Arithmetical Investigations”), which deals with his passion for the primes and number theory, and this is a very interesting read.
I will end this discussion by stating how Stern (1807-94) described Riemann after he read Legendre’s (1752-33) masterpiece:
… “he already sang like a canary.”
Alas, I have run out of space again. Sorry, “old friend”.


The content presented in this article is the result of the author's original research. The author is solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy, authenticity, and originality of the work, including conducting plagiarism checks. No liability or responsibility is assumed by any third party for the content, findings, or opinions expressed in this article. The views and conclusions drawn herein are those of the author alone.


  • Dr Vasos Pavlika has a BSc in Physics and Mathematics, a MSc in Applied Mathematics, and a two-volume PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Magnetostatics and Fluid Dynamics).
    Vasos has 30+ years of experience in lecturing, he has been a Field Chair, Senior lecturer and is currently Associate Professor (Teaching) at University College London. Vasos has been involved with many HE institutions including: the University of East London, the University of Gloucestershire, the University of Westminster, SOAS University of London (both on-campus and online), Into City University, St George’s University of London, Goldsmiths College University of London (online and on-campus), the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Department for Continuing Education University of Cambridge and the Open University.

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